There are many benefits of having Medical Insurance. Our Medical Insurance plans include inpatient, emergency and optional outpatient benefits. You may choose either a dollar or peso plan according to your needs. Medical Insurance is basically for reimbursement but now has an option for no-cash out inpatient benefits.

Inpatient means that the procedure requires the patient to be admitted to the hospital, primarily so that he or she can be closely monitored during the procedure and afterwards, during recovery. Emergency benefit includes treatment of emergency cases not leading to confinement. Outpatient means that the procedure does not require hospital admission and may also be performed outside the premises of a hospital. For more benefits, you may wish to add on more features to you Medical Insurance such as personal accident, annual travel, dental and vision (eye exams and prescription lenses).

In most cases pre-existing conditions are an exclusion and not covered by the plan. The best time to get health insurance is while you are young and in good health because pre-existing is an exclusion. In the event, a dreaded disease arises unexpectedly after the policy is issued, the Medical Treatment will commence upon renewal of your policy on the second year.